When i got home i took a quick shower. Every minute that passes i keep thinking of na9oor.In the car, and even right now in the shower.iffffff he should have affected me that much, but i cant stop thinking about him. I closed the water, wrapped myself in a towel and got out of the bath room. I decided to wear something normal. So I put on my black knee length shorts and a red top. I got my flats on, took my BB off the charger, my ray-ban glasses (3akes 6ab3an) and the left the room. I started to lock my room ever since she comes to visit which is like almost every week. The last time she came, I left my room open for a few minutes, and when I came back I found her in my room in front of my closet. Beside her I saw two of my favorite jeans and a couple of my shirts. I went to the living room and oh great she’s here. Salamt 3aliha bas 3ashan my dad ma yz3al, then I went and kissed his forehead.
Me: daddy ana ba6la3. Ray7a star bucks one of my friends is waiting for me.
Dad: okay bas t7amely 3ala 3mrich w la2 tita5erain.
Me: okay dad bas I’ll be back in an hour or so bye.
I was half way out when mariam called me.
Me: na3am
Mariam: intey ibti6le3een chethy??
Me: yes whats wrong with what im wearing.
Mariam: la2 7abebty intey ma bati6le3een min il bait itha ma lebasty shay mithel il awadem. 3aib il banat ma y6le3oon chethy.
Me: w intey shoo 5i9ech ma7ad 6elab rayech
Mariam: 7abeby a7mad in the kaif ter’9a binyik itkalemni chethey
Dad: 7abebty 3wash roo7y badley ur clothes w marah thanyah kalmy ur mum ib adab
Na3am la2 3ad al7een he crossed the line.
Me: kaify I talk to her the way I like. Ba3dain shoo my mum. 3ala balik if she becomes ur wife she will be my mum, ba3dain if she doesn’t like me I can always go live with my mum.
At that exact moment my phone rang. No caller id. So I just answered.
Me: hello
…… : halla 3awash ana na9oor
Me: na9oor where did u get my number??
Na9oor: ill tell u later soo r u coming. Cause if ur busy I understand we can meet again later .
Me: la2 im coming give my 5 minutes w a6la3 min il bait.
ur posts are soo short 6awleeeeehom please w btw i love it yallaaa nxt post!!!!!!
umm i cant see from the color plz change it wa el7ein i will read ^^
love the post
ill change the color thnx guys and i dont write too much because i dont have time wallah wayed busy now a days but ill try
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