i'm happy. i would like to thank you guys for your comments they made my day. this post is dedicated to all my readers. enjoy
Nouf: thank you.
Bader: you see that’s exactly what I love about you. You are different. Any other girl would have blushed or even giggled, but you gave a solid answer, a plain thank you.
Nouf: I got used to answer that way when a guy complements or says something nice but in a flirty way.
Bader: I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.
Nouf: you really need to get past your jealousy.
Bader: I can’t, that’s one thing you might hate about me.
Nouf: it’s somehow good, because if you’re jealous that means you care.
Bader: so you understand now that I do care.
Nouf: I never doubted that.
Bader: (laughing) you have a really nice way with words.
Nouf: I know.
Bader: at least try to be modest.
Nouf: honey, if you want me you take the whole package.
Bader: I don’t think I have……
Nouf: oh, we reached my house.
Bader: um yeah.
Nouf: so, I’ll see you tomorrow.
Bader: tomorrow?
Nouf: yeah we have a gathering and my mum texted me to remind me to tell you.
Bader: thank god you didn’t forget.
Nouf: I know it might kill you if you don’t see me.
(Bader laughs)
Bader: bye.
Nouf: bye.
Bader: nouf wait.
Nouf: what?
Bader: don’t I get a hug.
Well, after today I won’t mind. So I just went with it.
Nouf: muuuuuuuuum, I’m back.
Mum: did you have fun?
Nouf: yes, a little.
Mum: it’s getting late and you look tired. Go to sleep, we have a very busy day tomorrow.
Nouf: goodnight.
(Next day)
I woke up pretty late. When I got down my mum was fussing about everything.
I ate a quick meal, and then went up to get ready because it was way past the afternoon. When I finished from my shower, I put my bathrobe on and stood in my walk-in closet. I decided on a Burberry dress, with black louboutins. I curled my hair into big loops. I applied the usual make-up, eyeliner, eye-shadow, blusher, and of course red lipstick. I sprayed some perfume w 7a6ait dhn 3ood then headed down for some of the guests have arrived.
One of my meighbors, 5aled, was staring at me in a very weird way. I motioned fro him to follow me out side.
Nouf: 5aled, what’s wrong.
5aled: you tell me.
Nouf: what do you mean?
5aled: tell me who was the guy you were hugging last night in front of your house?
Nouf: I…..
Yes, I was tongue-tied. 5aled got a little attached to me over time, and yes I turned him down. I never saw him as more than a friend, a brother, and now that he saw me and bader I don’t know what to tell him because if I say the truth I will hurt him, and if I lie I will hurt him.
He was staring at me waiting for my answer. An answer I didn’t have.
Bader: (out of nowhere) I was with her last night.
anasaahh im first :D ,, i think ;pp love the post please post soon ;;)
Ah I hate nosy people that have been rejected once upon a time.
I'm loving Bader's personality
waiting for the next part x
bader ma r7 y3jba elw'63 :p!!
post soon xx
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