Wednesday, July 13, 2011

im 3 years younger (27a)

I walked in ignoring my dad. When I got in the room I didn’t bother change or take a shower, I just threw myself on the bed.
Dad: next time I call on you, you stay and listen.
Bader: I’m tired just leave it for tomorrow
Dad: no today, now.
Bader: don’t try because no matter how much you say and repeat I won’t listen. You love my mum and you would go to the end of the world for her. I’m in your shoes right now. I would do the same to nouf.
Dad: I’m proud of you.
Bader: what?
Dad: you stood up for something. You never do. When I told you that I don’t want you seeing her, I just wanted to see how that would affect you.  She changed you to a better person, and I like that. You’re becoming the man I always wanted you to be. 
Bader: dad I ….
Dad: your mum talked to her’s, tomorrow bana56bha lek.
I smiled and laughed.
Bader: are you serious?
Dad: go to sleep you need to wake up early tomorrow.
I kissed his head before he left the room. Yeah right as if I would be able to sleep now.
Well readers wish me luck. 


Maria said...

OMG :')

this is just too cute ... can't wait for part b

girl with the petite appetite said...

Hehehe wanasa they're going to get married! :D *happy dance*

Exposed Insanity said...

yala yala postpost!

caramela said...

A7la shai ina i check ur blog ila u posted 3 posts ;D
I realy like bader a7isa he is a real man !!
Cant wait for the next post ;D

om Ya3goub said...

Tharouri post ilyoum!!!
Walla loved it to the cloud:p
Waiting 3ala naaaaaaaar yal mehairi;***