Monday, June 18, 2012

my inspiration

usually when a person gets inspired there's a flow of feeling that leads to creation. it could be a painting, a speech, a story, an essay, even one word. that inspiration can be anything and anyone. for me its one special person. a person that always makes my day, listens well, and knows what to do. i get a a rush of emotions that usually helps me think, positively that is. even when we fight i tend to smile a lot because i remember all the wonderful and amazing moments we shared. which makes me feel guilty when its my fault. saying that you're sorry doesn't always fix things. sometimes saying strong words might fix it even if it messes things up first. i learned to try harder to get what i want, to fight for what i think is important, and to always think on the bright side of things. no matter how things work out i still own you a big thanks for all you have done. i wouldn't have gone this far with out you. and for all its worth I'm sorry........


caramela said...

3afya 3alaich o 7ilo ilwa7d ykon chithi ina shakh9 ylhma bs ilafthal inch intai bnafsch ykon mnich il'lham o intai nafsch tshaj3en nafsch l'ana lo hal insan faj'a 6al3 mn 7ayatch shbi9er feech ?? So ilafthal ina t7awlen now u get ur own power from urself ;**

Anonymous said...

So true xx