Sunday, June 9, 2013

Unpredictable (part 6b)

Faisal: hi im sorry didnt mean to wake you up
Asma: its okay I slept more then enough.
Faisal: you van leave the room ypu know you arent obligates to trap yourself here.
Asma: maybe I will
Faisal: and if you want to see your parents we could take you.
Asma: but fara7 said I cant at least not for a while.
Faisal: I guess we can not tell her about it.
Asma: really??
Faisal: yeah I could take you.
Asma: that would bw great but I dont want to put you in trouble
Faisal: dont worry so tonight?
Asma: that would be great


Fara7: lets hope she notices the key before you guys leave the house.
Fahad: what if she tries to leave?
Faisal: ill lock the doors
Mona: lets hope this works out


Faisal: you ready?
Asma: what about fara7?
Faisal: mona and fahad will distract her. We have about two hours
Asma: okay.

They got in the car and he locked the doors.
Faisal: asma..
She turned to look at him and noticed the key chain. All visible emotions dissappeared.

Asma: get me out of here..
Faisal: asma please
Asma:unlock the doors.
Faisal: a7bch


N said...

Awwwww :( it's so sad! Poor Asma! Let's just hope she gives Faisal a chance. Short post :( please post soon xxx

Anonymous said...

Post soon I'm soo hooked to this story