Sunday, March 23, 2014

thank you for sharing...

hi guys. i know its been a long long while. i also know i havent kept my promise. but do excuse me ive been stressed and going though stuffing. i lost inspiration i lost the passion i had for writing im really trying its just i feel that part of me is dead.

i like to listen to what people have to say keeping it very confidential my email
if any of you readers would like to share with me something im open to thoughts and ideas
 one of my close friends wanted to share this and is looking forward for feedback


I know I’m stressed I want to get over it, but at complete loss on how to do that. I have been crying more than ever at the thoughts of you. I fully understand that you and I are simply the best of friends, and we have been for the past 3 years. It’s been harder on me when reality struck. Where is this going? How much longer is it going to last before you find that significant other, that one lady that takes your breath away, makes your heart skip beat, pulls out the words “I love you” involuntarily from between your lips? Honestly speaking I still think of that one time you said that to me, and it scares me thinking that one day I will have to let go. Seemingly that I am not courageous enough to actually tell you how I feel in fear of messing us up, I type down in shame, the secret of my devastated heart.

You've been the most amazing person to me. This one sentence says it all. The way you convey me as perfection in your mind drives me crazy. For all the mistakes I've done, for all the things you know of, you still help my hands through it all. Even if we just don’t talk for a while, once I call for help you’re by my side. This to me is pure bliss, this is happiness. For all I've been through one stupid unnecessary remark from you makes everything feel better. I don’t want to lose that, I do not want to lose you. You said it once, and if you haven’t meant it you would have stuck around making me feel like I matter. So will you please hug me and promise not to break my heart

“In other words please be true , in other words I love you”- sung by frank Sinatra ~fly me to the moon~

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