Wednesday, August 24, 2011

im 3 years younger (35b)

Bader called shortly after that.
Bader: did you get the picture?
Nouf: yes I did. Who’s she.
Bader: I found this in my cousin’s phone. I thought you might want to know what my sister looked like.
We continued talking after relief washed over me, couple hours later I was asleep with the phone to my ears.
1 week later. 
My mum sorted things with 7anan. After she apologized I kind of accepted her as my sister. Saif is the love he’s just amazing as a father. He loves 9ager a lot. Right now he’s playing with him in the living room. Oh and since the milcha is a week from today bader and I are having a complete no contact rule. Friends, yeah I have them but they aren’t that close. So I never bothered. 
I walked in to see saif holding now the sleeping 9ager in his hand. 
Nouf: hay saif.
Saif: hay.
Nouf: you’re a great father you know.
Saif: he’s a part of me. 
Nouf: he looks like you.
Saif: but he has 7anan’s eyes.
At that moment she walked in. saif gently placed 9ager in my arms and walked to help her. 
Nouf: what are you wearing on the milcha?
7anan: I didn’t know I was invited.
Nouf: well you are, and if you don’t have anything I would like to take you shopping.
7anan: for real?
Nouf: of course.
I can’t take it anymore. It’s been a week.
Saloom: hello, earth to bader.
Bader: huh? What?
Mum: badoor shoo balak?
Dad: ma tadroon walhan, 9arla sboo3 kamil ma kalamha.
Mum: a5eeeeeeeeeh 3alaik, Ithgal IL milcha IL isboo3 IL yay ma feek 9aaber. 
Bader: 3an ithnkom, ana 3ndy sha’3lah w rad ni9 sa3a bil ketheer. 
Mum: wee shfee wildik chethey mistewee.
Saloom: inzain 5alty ma e9eer ta56belee 3ashan a9eer mithlah, 3al a8al in kint chethey ma a2athy 7ad.
I hit saloom slightly on the head.
Bader: ti6anaz ma3a wayhik.
Mum: bader wain raye7.
Bader: I found a house so I have to finish the paper work.
Dad: Laish mish nawee tig3ad hny.
Bader: kint fil bedayah lakin ba3dain fakart w gilt ma ra7 ekafy w aba nouf ta5th ra7at’ha ma3ay. 
Mum: hatha bas ho tafkeerkom 8aleel IL adab.  
Dad: Laish ma bekafee IL bait 3ood.
Bader: adree bas itha baneeb kids ya3ney ybalhom mokan Akbar.


caramela said...

I liked the post sorry mnzman i didnt comment bs i read every post ;**
cant wait for the milcha ;D

Anonymous said...

great post
thank you
the silent reader<3

Amal.q6r said...

thnx for the post loved it ;*