Sunday, October 16, 2011

im 3 years younger (41a)

bader: so what was so important that i had to leave?
kenzi: well i broke up with Jake.

Salem choked on what he was eating when he heard that. me and bader laughed because we knew why.

kenzi: are you okay?
Salem: im fine.
3zooz: he's smiling like an idiot ma cheneh kan baymoot tawah
Salem: i have to go.
kenzi: walk me home?
salem: yeah sure some on

so you guys might have figured it out. salem does like kenzi a lot. when he started to get to know her he somehow fell in love with her only to find out she has a boyfriend.

salem: did you really break up with him?
kenzi: yes but its not only because of what he did, its or some one else too.
kenzi: salem, would you like to come have dinner tomorrow with me?
salem: are you asking me out?
kenzi: yes
salem: does that mean im the other reason?
kenzi: yes.
salem: can i kiss you now?
kenzi: i'll kill if you dont

1 comment:

Maria said...

Thank you for the post.. it took you a while and its short :(
I had to go back and read the previous post to remember what happened

post sooon x